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Budowitz, Klezmania, and Purim

Having gotten to the Purim wine just a bit early, I announced
the availability of the Budowitz and Klezmania reviews last
week without actually making them accessible. I think that's
fixed now. You can catch up at
by looking for "new reviews" or just for the RealAudio symbol.

Speaking of RealAudio, it would be a shande if Purim would 
pass without making available a bit of the Austin Klezmorim's
historical "Big Megilla." We run kosher klezmer pages, so 
check the clip out on the Austin Klezmorim review page (from
1995), or simply drop by our front door at


And when you've done all that, and when you can once again 
tell Mordechai from Haman (the streimel is the giveaway), let's
see some discussion about klezmer avant garde--does a band like
Budowitz, bringing the 19th century klezmer sound to life
represent the cutting edge, or is a static exploration,
however much fun, and however varied and well selected
of experimental, new, and unusual things to do to klezmer
a legitimate avant garde, instead.

We'd normally go for the exploration and experimental, but
I'm not convinced. I found "Klezmania" friendly and fun, 
but not expanding. Budowitz' new "Mother Tongue," on the
other hand, is mind-blowing. Listen to the clips. Listen
to the albums, or just let me know what you think regardless.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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