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Re: Budowitz, Klezmania, and Purim

>Shalom, y'all.
>How would you (readers) define Jewish music?  Thank you, Barry Mase

Welcome, Jeff,

I think we're accumulating questions faster than answers, here, 
but sooner or later perhaps people will start talking ;-).

I think that the specific question you mentioned came up here
a while back, albeit without an answer. In the case of Dana
Mase, is her music Jewish by definition because she is Jewish,
or is there some special quality that defines "Jewish" music.

Of course, given the diversity of this list (and the huffs that
I get when things stray too often into a type of Jewish music
that doesn't meet someone's approval) that's not an easy
question to answer.

I mean, if you go to the store, people are busy buying Debbie
Friedman, whose music I personally abhor. For my own sanity,
I refuse to judge Jewish music on the basis of what music
Jews buy. (Hmmm, that could lead me into some pretty strange
non-Jewish music areas.)

Sorry, meandering. Still not seeing the Budowitz CD in stores.
Koch International, are you listening? 


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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