Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Mazel Tov!!!

I am honored to announce to the 'net Jewish community that I have just
become engaged to Miss Rachma Ernst of New City, NY.

Rachma is currently learning at the Neve Yirshalayim Seminary for
Women in Har Nof, Jerusalem.

A summer wedding is planned.

Mazel Tov messages to me (gedaliah (at) panix(dot)com) will be given to Rachma
as well.  (Since the kallah is very impressed by the breadth of the
Internet, please indicate where you live when sending regards.

God willing, we should build a bayis ne'eman together, and we wish the
same to all of the other single Jews who are searching for their "soul

Gedaliah Friedenberg
gedaliah (at) panix(dot)com

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