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Re: anybody into Korn?

it's ok, but i hate when it comes out in your shit. i mean what's up with 
that? why doesn't it digest like everything else? you KNOW you chew it up 
but there it is, completely whole and virtually untouched by the body's 
own acids. as if it reshapes itself once swallowed. that's pretty damn 
scary if you ask me. try it. chew the hell out of it, swallow, then 
examine your feces. perfectly shaped kernels of bright yellow korn. it 
doesn't even fade. i don't get it. call it want you want, korn, maze 
whatever, by any name it's still frightening when you consider its powers.


     "I've been training for this all of my life...
      I remember when I was 9 or 10, I'd put on
     "Kiss Alive" really loud. I'd use my bed as a
      drum riser and a tennis racket for a guitar...
      you should have seen it. The Andy Wood Band.
      We were big in the 70's"

                        -Andrew Wood

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