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Re: anybody into Korn?

In article <4er9aq$d0v (at) echoes(dot)Wittenberg(dot)EDU>, brittnee Finnearty 
<bafinnea (at) wittenberg(dot)edu> writes:
>fuck yes, Korn is awesome.  I am going to see them in cincinnati on 
>Monday feb 5.  If anybody likes Korn you should write to my band Drowning 
>Mary for a free demo.  We are pretty fuckin' loud and hard core.  e mail 
>us at mx%"JDORR (at) WITTENBERG(dot)EDU"
        I'm interested in your demo.  I'd also do a review of the tape on my
Web page, World Wide Punk:

You can send it to me at:
Victor Gedris
Champlain College
Trent University
PO Box 4800
Peterborough, Ontario
K9J 7B8

Thanks!  See ya,
Vic - vgedris (at) wchat(dot)on(dot)ca

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