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Re: anybody into Korn?

Eric Garbos (egarbos (at) dopey(dot)sanders(dot)lockheed(dot)com) wrote:
: KORN rules. No hands down.
: I'll just be really psyched when they come out with a second album,
: oncee they've gotten some practice (hey, they're still pretty new).
: I've heard they're opening for Ozzy now, so I may go to his show
: just so see them. I saw them already at Avalon in Boston, and they
: were great. Too bad the crowd was filled with so many assholes
: and rap losers (not that all rap people are losers, but that these
: particular ones certainly were!)
: Anyway, enough wasted bandwidth, especially what with the number
: of groups this is going to. So, to close, a shameless plug:
: Also, check out my WWW page (http:/ for some
: kewl stuff. I don't have Korn there yet, but I'm trying to get
: permission from the band to start up an Official site for them.
: Ciao...

I was in Seattle a few days ago, and they were playing Korn on 107.7
I thought they were pretty good, but didn't get any info.  What's the
name of their album?


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