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Re: NETCOM.COM refuses to act against Anti-Semitism

In article <3tiig5$1sj (at) deepthot(dot)cary(dot)nc(dot)us>,
Jay Denebeim <denebeim (at) deepthot(dot)cary(dot)nc(dot)us> wrote:
>In article <3tid2t$415 (at) usenet(dot)interramp(dot)com>,
>JP <ir000171 (at) interramp(dot)com> wrote:
>>I agree with Netcom..they tell you how you can ignore "/ignore" 
>>him.  Do you want every word everyone says to be monitered?  You only 
>>encourage govt censorship with your complaining.
>I'm going to have to agree with JP.  Unless he's done something more
>destructive then speach.  If he hacked ops on the channel, and started
>throwing people off, or unoping them, that would be another story.
>That sort of behavior could get him kicked off of netcom, but just
>saying something is not in the same league at all.
>Sorry about that.
>Sig under construction
>Jay Denebeim                           denebeim (at) 
>                                       duke!wolves!deepthot!denebeim

Au was stated in the letter that this person did
in fact ride a server split in, and took over the channel (presumably
by deopping everyone else.)

It appears to be true that he did not kick and ban people at random,
nor did he make the channel moderated (so that only people with 'operator'
status--all of which he had already removed-- can speak on the channel).
However, it occurs to me that his brand of mischief would have been
ineffective without an audience.

Now for my opinion. :)

I STILL think that netcom was correct in doing nothing about it.
First of all, there is a free speech clause in the Constitution...
Second, there is always the /ignore command;
Third, even in the case of a channel takeover, you can ALWAYS
create a new channel.

In my experience, a user can be banned from a server for flooding, 
running bots, and excess idling; however, I know of no IRC operator
who would ban someone for something as simple as a channel takeover.

Andrea "Rhiannon on IRC" Fisher

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