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Re: Censorship and First Amendment vis-a-vis NETCOM.COM refuses to act against Anti-Semitism

The notion that individuals can practice censorship is outrageous.  Let's
be accurate:  censorship is the act of government unilaterally editing
what is normally considered free and open speech.  It is important to
realize that the First Amendment ONLY relates to the individual vis-a-vis
the power or behavior of the State, be it on the federal, state or local

In reality, when it relates to individuals vis-a-vis individuals or
other non-governmental entities such as corporations or associations, one
should define it as it really is:  to wit, responsible editing.

The U.S.Supreme Court settled the issue of free speech many years ago:
private speech deserves protection; however, commercial speech does not.
Moreover, the high court also found that private speech, under certain
circumstances, does not have the benefit of total and absolute 
protection, to wit, "screaming fire in a crowded, darkened, theatre".

With respect to that drech who intentionally tries to cause emotional
harm to the bona fide users of #Israel (such as my 14 year old daughter,
Myra/Miriam), Netcom does have the right to sanction this excuse of a
human being.   Nobody, it appears, is arguing that "it" should be removed
or banned from accessing Netcom's network; however, they do have the
social and moral responsibility to insist that outrageous behavior be
utilized in an environment that concurs with such actions.

The excuse that Netcom uses for its lack of action is lame.  As a private
company, they have the right to limit access to whomever they please.  
They appear not to be a regulated common carrier, thus they can accept or
reject any subscriber for any reason, at their own discretion. 

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