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Re: Wolf's eye view on Michael Jackson

In steven9226 (at) aol(dot)com (Steven9226) said: 
>Here's a thought..... 
>Some black people get up upset when non-blacks use the "N Word"; If this
is ok,  
>then by the same token, why can't we be angered when non-jews use the "K  
In my experience, nearly _all_ Black people get upset when _anybody_ uses
the word "nigger" and nearly all Jews get upset when people use the word
"kike" (or use the word "Jew" as a verb). 
What's your point? 
David Fleiss 
dfleiss (at) pipeline(dot)com 
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change
the world -- it's the only thing that ever has."  -- Margaret Mead 

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