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Re: NETCOM.COM refuses to act against Anti-Semitism

In article <3tsca3$80q (at) deepthot(dot)cary(dot)nc(dot)us>,
Jay Denebeim <denebeim (at) deepthot(dot)cary(dot)nc(dot)us> wrote:
>In article <3trv44$l2 (at) orphan(dot)emich(dot)edu>,
>Andrea Fisher <andrea (at) emunix(dot)emich(dot)edu> wrote:
>>Au was stated in the letter that this person did
>>in fact ride a server split in, and took over the channel (presumably
>>by deopping everyone else.)
>Yes, but that wasn't what the complaint was about.  He spent about 10
>words on that and the rest of the e-mail on what the guy said.  If he
>had stressed the channel taking over, and mentioned the spewage as a
>secondary consideration, he would have gotten further.

As I said before..I really don't believe that. In fact, if he had
restricted himself to complaining about a channel take-over, he
would have gotten even less far.

On IRC, flooding and harassment are offenses punishable by being
banned from a server (although there is always a wide selection
of other servers to go to). However, even these measures are only
taken when verified by a log, and (ususally) if they occur repeatedly.

Taking over a channel is NOT something you can legitimately be either
killed or banned for, and every admin I know of would remove oper
status from any op who did so, citing abuse of operator privileges.

Moreover, I don't think he even should have been.  There was nothing
stopping the others on the channel from replying in a way so as to make
this "HitlerYth" look completely ridiculous, and I feel that THAT
is what should have been done.

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