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Re: NETCOM.COM refuses to act against Anti-Semitism

In article <3tid2t$415 (at) usenet(dot)interramp(dot)com>,
JP <ir000171 (at) interramp(dot)com> wrote:

>I agree with Netcom..they tell you how you can ignore "/ignore" 
>him.  Do you want every word everyone says to be monitered?  You only 
>encourage govt censorship with your complaining.

I'm going to have to agree with JP.  Unless he's done something more
destructive then speach.  If he hacked ops on the channel, and started
throwing people off, or unoping them, that would be another story.
That sort of behavior could get him kicked off of netcom, but just
saying something is not in the same league at all.

Sorry about that.

Sig under construction
Jay Denebeim                            denebeim (at) 

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