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Israeli Rock Music

Herman Finkler sent me this message, and he asked me to 
forward it to the list:

In article <9502021710(dot)AA27617 (at) cs(dot)umass(dot)edu> you write:
>Yes, there is definitely interest here.  Nu, so tell us what is
>going on!  I especially like Shlomo Artzi, and I also like
>Meir Banai, but I've only heard one disc so far ("In Between").
>Besides wondering what is happening recently, I would also be
>interested in other people's favorite groups and albums.
>krovetz (at) cs(dot)umass(dot)edu

 Beseder, that's what the latest Israeli rock music seem to 
 offer (as of the August 1994):

 Shlomo Artzi (also my favourite, like your's, Bob):

 1. "Yareah"           (Moon)
 2. "Laila lo shaket"  (Night is not quiet)
 3. "Tirkod"           (Dance!)

 Either first or the second ones is one of his latest releases.
 About "Tirkod" not sure.  (I enjoy all of them equally, however)

 Yehudit Ravitz:

 "Shem"          (Name)
 "Dereh Homshi"  (Silk Road)

 She had couple of newer ones, it seems to me, but I don't 
 remember the names.

 Yehuda Poliker

 "Koev oval pahot"   (Hurts, but less)

 OOOPs!  I think this one was a hit around 1990-1991.  Nu, az ma?
 Give it a try anyway!
 Someone on the news group was asking for sefardi/yemenite music.
 Well, as far as I know, some songs in the Ethnix's 

 "Ata!" (Hey, you!)   

 Contained some oriental melodies.  Of course, this is not an 
 authentic sefardi or yemenite music, but rather Oriental motives
 incorporated into the modern rock.  Sounds terrific (except of
 a "Snoopy"). 

 Of course, this list not even nearly complete.  
 Hey, haverim, out there..!  If someone knows of something else
 feel free to append.  I myself would like to find out of something
 new.  (But don't offer Aviv Gefen :-) )

 PS:  If you happen to be in Eretz and go shop for a tapes in   
      Malha Kanyon, or I guess anywhere in Israel, watch out: you 
      might but a cassete with a tape of a different singer 
      inside :).  That happened to me when I bought Aric Sinai's 
      "Evergreens", Part I.  Inside it was a tape of some singeress.
      Wouldn't say that I regretted, the only thing -- none of my
      friends lnows what is the name of mysterious singeress.  


   herman (at) cs(dot)utexas(dot)edu


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