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Re: Israeli Rock music

In article <3dnkmu$skt (at) NS(dot)netvision(dot)net(dot)il>, Izhar Ashdot 
<ashdot (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il> says:

>Hi everyone,

>I'm an Israeli recording artist and record producer.

>I've been following your group for a while now. Do any of you have any
>interest in modern Israeli music?

>There's some great music happening here!


>P.S. I can't speak a word of Yiddish...
>            Izhar Ashdot Ltd. - Music Production - Tel Aviv - Israel
>                         Tel/Fax: (972) 3 527 2815
I am the agent for David Broza.  I am using my friends computer but
you can respond to this mail address.  I understand that David is huge
in Israel and I'm trying to make him as big in America.  Tell me about
David Broza in Israel.

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