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Re: Klezmer in chicago?

Jonathan Delatizky <delatizky (at) bbn(dot)com> writes:

>       There are a couple of worthwhile albums by the Shirim Klezmer
>       Orchestra, on Northeastern.  Their singer is especially good -
>       she has that ineffable something that the Klezmer Conservatory
>       Band's Judy Bressler lacks.  I've blanked out on her name, I'm afraid.

Rosalie Gerut & Betty Silber<something -- man? berg?> sing on Shirim's
first CD, "Angels & Horseradish".  I'm not sure which of them is on
the new CD, "Naftule's Dream".  "Angels & Horseradish" has vocal duets
on "Coney Island" and "Ich bin ferliebt", and also spoken vocals
(including a couple of lines of "Hiawatha" in Yiddish) by Moshe
Waldoks, who posts to mail.liberal-jewish, on "Trombonik Tanz".

Dean Bandes


Topic No. 15

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