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Re: Natural Gathering

   From: tekbspa!dinitz (at) uunet(dot)UU(dot)NET

    Rebecca Radnor asked about Natural Gathering.  I bought their very
   first album back in 1978 or 1979 (I think the title is just "Natural
   Gathering," it has a blue cover).  I think it's wonderful music --
   moving, rich, sensuous, clearly enunciated lyrics, full of energy.
   Their rendition of Dror Yikra still has the power to transport me to
   another planet.  Unfortunately, I've never seen another album of
   theirs.  Are they still recording?

Ah, a topic I can speak to!  Natural Gathering (in Hebrew, "HaBreira
HaTiv`it") is indeed still recording and has a number of albums out.  In fact,
I recently returned from Israel, where I picked up three (all I could find) to
add to my collection.  They are impossible to find here in the states.  Their
most recent (I believe) is "Pe`imot Shchorot" (Black Beats), which is
incredible, with some amazing African/Arabian percussion tracks.  But then, I
find all of their music amazing.  It has a beautiful, transcendent quality,
with a tremendous energy and spirituality.  Shlomo Bar, the leader and
drummer, says that his main driving force in creating the music is a sort of
messianism and spiritual yearning.  Music that speaks to the soul.  I cannot
recommend their music highly enough.



Topic No. 16

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