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Re: klezmer music

> I am a big klezmer junkie. I'll admit that the early klez revival albums
> were incredibly stiff, but the variety and quality of many of the albums
> out now is just astounding. To me, this is the =real= Jewish music--the
> evolving folk tradition.

I don't really consider myself a "junkie" -  Still, I appreciate it as
Jewish music, as opposed to other stuff I enjoy which is more properly
defined as Jewish _theme_ music.  When I was younger, I didn't really
listen to it at all... until junior high school music class, when I
found out that the music teacher I had come to admire and respect did
some work on the side -- as tuba player (and possibly business manager
and/or legal counsel) for Kapelye.  He got me hooked in my "formative

> Am I the only person who feels this way?


> ari

Alan M. Gallatin <alan (at) acpub(dot)duke(dot)edu>


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