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Re: fwd: jewish music masters thesis

>From one Aussie to another,

young children (in any culture) learn well through songs as a medium.
There are parts of our brains that pick up on patterns (rhythm and rhyme)
and make learning easier.  This learning can even be without
understanding, yet forms a framework for more complex details to be added
at later stages of education.

Many of the songs themselves date back a long way, so the perpetuation of
those songs provides an important link to our cultural heritage.

Children are likely to feel more bonded to their community when they hear
that their parents or grandparents know a song they have just learned at
pre-school or school.

Some of the songs have actions which assist in developing motor skills.

The songs act as vehicles to discuss the features, major messages, foods
etc of each festivals

"I. Oppenheim" wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:50:18 +0200 (CEST)
> From: elanamusic (at) optusnet(dot)com(dot)au
> Subject: jewish music masters thesis
> hi - i need help from anyone who would like to comment
> on the following...
> Why are Jewish festival music/songs so important as
> music education in a jewish school? i am keen on any
> books, or journal articles, or experts in this
> field.... please help an Aussi!!!


Lionel Mrocki


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