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Re: yiddish books on tape

Dear Theresa Tova,

you can find Yiddish Stories >Afn Weg< by Rafael Goldwaser at amazon (MC, 
Edition Viderklang);
various yiddish humor disks are easy to find on the internet (e.g. Hatikvah), 
but maybe that´s not what your cousin is searching for;
there´s also one CD out >A shmek tabake< (A Pinch of Snuff and other stories) 
by Boris Sandler; it can be ordered at Forverts 
 - but ask Boris Sandler, he should know what´s on the market, also in modern 
Yiddish Literature in Israel.

Hope that helps
Janina Wurbs

Zitat von TTova <TTova (at) rogers(dot)com>:

> Dear List members,
> A cousin of mine asked me the following question and I thought I would 
> ask you helpful yiddish mavens where to send her...
> "I forgot to ask you if you've heard of "books on tape" but in Yiddish? 
>  I'd like
> to get some.  For example, Sholem Aleichem stories, or IB Singer in the 
> original Yiddish, or even modern Yiddish writers being read.  Any 
> suggestions where to look?"
> theresa tova

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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