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Elaine & Susan Hoffman Watts CD Release Party post game show and ordering information

I had the pleasure of attending the CD release party for "I Remember Klezmer" 
hosted by Elaine & Susan Hoffman Watt's band The Fabulous Shpilkies in Philly 
last weekend.  The venue (The Point in Bryn Mawr, PA) was absolutely packed 
with a few hundred revelers.  The Shpilkies played a terrifically spirited set 
of traditional Philly (and Hoffman family) klezmer and vocal tunes sung by 
Susan in her amazing Yiddish/Jazz style 
Then Susan started inviting her friends on stage... and then the band headed 
out into the audience as tables were pushed aside for dancing...
A lot of klezmer luminaries were to be found there, including... Shpilke 
Trombonist Rachel Lemisch, Writer/Critic Elliott Simon and his 
daughter/Clarinetist Jill Simon, Harmonicist/Pianist Jason Rosenblatt (of 
Shtreiml fame), Mandolinist/Musicologist Craig Harwood (Amherst College), 
Flautist Daniella Cohen (formerly of Yale Klezmer Band), Violinist Illana 
Sherer (formerly of Brown's Klezmer band), many of the Klez Dispensers 
(Clarinetist Alex Kontorovich, Trupeter Ben Holmes, Violinist Amy Zakar, and 
Pianist Adrian Banner), Robert and Molly Friedman (of the Robert and Molly 
Friedman Jewish Music Archive at the University of Pennsylvania). There were 
many other representatives of the venerable Lemisch and Hoffman families (both 
renowned klezmer dynasties). I'm sure I must've missed a few as well-- it was 
quite a crowd.

Here's the information Susan Hoffman Watts sent me on ordering the CD featuring 
her and her mother Elaine Hoffman Watts entitled "I Remember Klezmer."
I think if you were to write a check to Susan Watts that would be fine...
The CD is available from or by sending $15.00 and a bissle for 
shipping to:
I Remember Klezmer 
C/O Watts
832 Beechwood Rd.
Havertown, PA 19083
oyveyklez (at) aol(dot)com

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