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Re: jewish music in bible

Bob  and Abigail- I definitely plan to find Moshe Gorali's book and especially J. Braun's, which sounds incredibly interesting.

Marsha - first of all, I am indeed Moshe Simkovich's daughter in law! I also worked at the JPS this summer, when  they began to circulate your new book, and had the pleasure of writing blurbs for it and the like. Regarding your comment, I am a little discouraged that you say there is little or no room to combine music and tanach outside of trope. I studied theory for four years. Do you think that I could apply that to biblical poetry, and particularly the megillot, in terms of creating a deeper understanding of their composition? (i.e. meter, rhyming schemes, various structures and cadences...?)

Thanks again to all of you for your thoughtful suggestions.


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