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Re: jewish music in bible

hello my name is leor and I recieved your email as a forward. i am very 
interested in the music and the bible, would you be able to possible give me 
any details on where  could begin my research. i am really interested in 
looking in to the origins of music and also the folk lore aspect of it.
any info you are able to give would be greatly appreciated
Yours faithfully leor

Abigail Wood <a(dot)c(dot)wood (at) soton(dot)ac(dot)uk> wrote:


You should also check out Joachim Braun's work on Biblical musical 
Braun, J., 2002, Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine: Archaeological, 
Written and Comparative Sources. Cambridge, MA: Eerdmans.
He also wrote the section on Biblical instruments in the Grove 
dictionary; the book also contains a huge bibliography on Biblical 

all best,


--Abigail Wood

Lecturer in Music, School of Humanities
University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel: ++44 (0)23 8059 5064 University network: 25064

On 23 Feb 2004, at 15:33, Robert Wiener wrote:

> Hi Malka,
> Check out the following book for ideas. 
> Author is Gorali, Moshe, Music, Photographs, Facsimiles, Drawings, 
> and Other Illustrations
> Title is The Old Testament in Music
> There is a wealth of classical and popular music on themes of the 
> Bible, especially on t'hilim (psalms) and shir hashirim (song of 
> songs).
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Malka Zeiger
> To: World music from a Jewish slant
> Sent: 2/23/2004 10:14:25 AM
> Subject: jewish music in bible
> Hi,
> I'm an almost-graduate student double majoring in music and bible. I'm 
> entering a PhD bible program in the fall, and am trying to figure out 
> how to combine music and the bible in my studies (and ultimately in my 
> dissertation). I don't want to do trope...does anyone have any input 
> or ideas? Thanks!
> Malka Z.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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