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Re: Treasures of Ukrainian Jewish Culture

To clarify a couple of points that I explored already with Russian and

1. If ordering through Mr. Krashenninnikov, the official distributor
from Russia, the CDs are $34 each, including shipping. So, that makes it
$68 for both. 
A payment method involves a wire transfer to a bank. The bank names are
the ones outlined in that e-mail.

2. ALTERNATIVELY:: I followed Lorin Sklamberg's lead and ordered the
first CD through a North American distributor. 
His name is Alexander Herenchak , phone number: 609 758 1115. He turned
out to be quite pleasant and prompt.
Right now he only has the first CD, "Treasures of .." 
I got my copy yesterday. Thank you, Lorin, for the tip.

 BY THE WAY: The CD is completely in Russian. I will be translating (for
family/friends) liner notes and all the song titles (I don't sleep well
at night, anyway). If people are interested, I can post the translation
to the list.

Vladimir Liberman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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