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Elkanah Klezmer Gathering

Translated from an announcement sent to me by Moshe Berlin. The Elkanah 
tunes are the primary klezmer tradition as practiced in Israel for 
centuries. I believe that these are the melodies that evolved from the 
Tzfat mystics over the centuries, but Mussa can correct me:

An evening of Klezmer
Elkanah, Israel, 5764

This year, the festival begins at the end of the Sabbath, Parashat 
Mishpatim (29 Shvat - daybreak, Rosh Hodesh Adar / Feb 21 to daybreak Feb 
22, 2004)

The MC will be Avi Roth
This year's festival is dedicated to the memory of Roman Kunsman.

So far, the following musicians are committed:

* Yehiel (Hilik) Frank
* Aryeh (Iko) Avron
* Daniel Zamir
* Moshe (Mussah) Berlin

with their bands

All proceeds from the evening will be dedicated to Institutions of Torah 
and Good Works.

For more information, contact The Municipal Council of Elkanah or
Moshe Berlin, moshe_berlin (at) bezeqint(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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