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Re: KI "news to me"

In general I don't think the Sephardim are as strict, though being an
Ashkenazi myself I don't know that I'm quite fully qualified to comment on
the topic with any real authority. But Judith Frankel has performed at one
of the local Sephardic Orthodox shuls. So, l'maaseh, I have at least one
BTW I once got away with sneaking it in at MY shul- in a Purim schpiel ;-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Judith R. Cohen" <judithc (at) yorku(dot)ca>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:31 AM
Subject: KI "news to me"

> hi, I've been in Montreal and with almost no internet access, haven't even
> been able to read the slew of Kol Isha messages which have aopeared the
> few days. But Friday night I was invited for supper at the home of some
> Moroccan Jews, a lovely SHabbat meal, lots of singing of both Moroccan and
> Ashkenazi tunes to welcome SHabbat,kids going to Jewish day schoolls,
> custom happily observed....- and during the conversation - the father
> (Moroccan) didn't even KNOW kol isha was being applied in this sort ofd
> circumstance (the sort I and other women have unhappily described here)
> was absolutely horrified. He said he thought it was an abysmal shame, and
, in
> his words, a disgrace to Judaism. Just thought I'd mention it, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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