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KI "news to me"

hi, I've been in Montreal and with almost no internet access, haven't even 
been able to read the slew of Kol Isha messages which have aopeared the lats 
few days. But Friday night I was invited for supper at the home of some 
Moroccan Jews, a lovely SHabbat meal, lots of singing of both Moroccan and 
Ashkenazi tunes to welcome SHabbat,kids going to Jewish day schoolls, Jewish 
custom happily observed....- and during the conversation - the father 
(Moroccan) didn't even KNOW kol isha was being applied in this sort ofd 
circumstance (the sort I and other women have unhappily described here) and 
was absolutely horrified. He said he thought it was an abysmal shame, and , in 
his words, a disgrace to Judaism. Just thought I'd mention it, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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