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Re: essential klezmer cds

If I may toot my horn -- oops, I mean scrape my own fiddle -- for a moment,
may I mention my own CD, "Little Blackbird: Klezmer, Romanian, Greek,
Turkish, and Hungarian violin music." It features 74 minutes of recordings
from 1982 to 1985 and was released in Dec. 2001 on my own label (Rosin Dust

It would be of interest particularly to:

1. Fiddlers/violinists;
2. People interested in how klezmer relates and compares to Romanian and
Greek music, etc.;
3. People who enjoy a variety of accompanying instruments and excellent
players (the CD features tsimbl, cimbalom, clarinet, piano, guitar, and
bouzouki, in addition to the ever-present fiddle);
4. People interested in relatively early recordings (1982-85) from the
klezmer revival, including performers such as Joel Rubin who went on to
prominence and glory...

It's available from Simon (Hatikvah Music),, or directly from the
artist (write me at sandralayman (at) earthlink(dot)net).

Sandra Layman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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