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Re: essential klezmer cds

Klezmer: The marriage of Heaven and Earth is a compilation put out by 
Ellipsis Arts in 1996. You can get further details and a review on the 
KlezmerShack, , 
including some brief audio clips. (Never hesitate to check out the 
KlezmerShack for further information. It is often there.)


At 11:08 PM 1/20/2004, you wrote:
>Dear Jeremy,
>Sorry to pick on you--as you are not the only one who has done this: *Please*
>for those of us who don't know or ecognize all of the important CDs (or even
>the lesser ones), have the courtesy to list not only the title, but the
>performers as well. If you want to be really nice, list the label and CD 
>That will make it much easier for those of us interested to order these 
>Best wishes,
>Steve Barnett
>Barnett Music Productions
>BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com
>In a message dated 1/20/04 4:41:45 PM, jeremyb (at) bway(dot)net writes:
> >I would definitely add "marriage of heaven and earth"
> >
> >It is a little hard to find but it has all the 'major players of klezmer'
> >all on one CD. There is some GREAT music plus the liner notes are more
> >accurately described as a short book on the history of klezmer which was
> >very well done

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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