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Re: essential klezmer cds

Dear Jeremy,

Sorry to pick on you--as you are not the only one who has done this: *Please* 
for those of us who don't know or ecognize all of the important CDs (or even 
the lesser ones), have the courtesy to list not only the title, but the 
performers as well. If you want to be really nice, list the label and CD 
That will make it much easier for those of us interested to order these 

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

In a message dated 1/20/04 4:41:45 PM, jeremyb (at) bway(dot)net writes:

>I would definitely add "marriage of heaven and earth"
>It is a little hard to find but it has all the 'major players of klezmer'
>all on one CD. There is some GREAT music plus the liner notes are more
>accurately described as a short book on the history of klezmer which was
>very well done 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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