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hostly comment on 'kol isha' discussion

Along with the Kol Isha discussion, itself, there has been the usual meta 
discussion about whether or not this is an appropriate discussion for this 
list, isn't it enough that we have discussed this three times before, and 
isn't it time to move on again.

I do believe that something that directly affects the right of ~50% of our 
list participants to participate in the subject of this list is an 
appropriate subject for discussion here.

I think that it is important that this issue return to the list 
periodically. It remains a divisive issue, and one that affects 
participation of most list members in activities around the subject of this 

But the most important thing that can come from going over this issue as 
seems appropriate would be finding ways to hear those who see the world 
differently. If we can reach a point where this issue can be discussed and 
heard by many currently-polarized sides, and responded to in a way that 
respects that hearing, then there is a chance that the good will and intent 
will be found to change, accomodate, or simply to understand. That would be 
a good thing.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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