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Re: Ma Yofus - Yoshke

At 10:31 AM 1/21/04, Lori M Simon wrote:
>I was glancing through some of my old sheet music and found "Der Rabi hot 
>geheisen freilich sein", words and music by Avrom Goldfaden (copyright 
>1912), who wrote a lot of music we have separated the composer from.  :-)

According to Brett Werb's online article I mentioned yesterday (near 
footnote 34) Goldfaden wrote it (or adapted it) as early as 1880, so 32 
years later, when Belf's orchestra recorded it, the tune must really have 
achieved "Ma Yofis" status.
BTW the spelling "Yofus" is not as accurate as "Yofis."  It represents 
the  word that would be rendered "Yafit" in modern Hebrew.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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