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MiSinai Tunes

At 10:19 AM 10/27/03, Fred Blumenthal wrote:
According to tradition, not only did Moses receive the written Torah on Mt. Sinai, he also received all of Oral Torah, and he also received the MiSinai Tunes - the motives that are the direct ancestors of Torah trope, Haftarah trope and the Prayer Modes. 

There is no "tradition" of Moses receiving MiSinai Tunes, other than tongue-in-cheek.  The appelation is equivalent to the _expression_ "as old as the hills" (Sinai is an old hill, after all).  Also, MiSinai Tunes are complete Festival tunes and/or developed chants in the Ashkenazic synagogue, they are not motives.  Examples are the High Holdiay Ma'ariv theme, the various Kaddish chants, Ochilo Lo'Eyl, etc.  The youngest of these -- and the most developed and widespread -- are the various Ashkenazic versions of the Kol Nidre chant.  But even the oldest MiSinai Tunes are much younger than scriptural cantillation (Trope).

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+ Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network A service of Hebrew College, which offers online courses and an online MA in Jewish Studies, * * FREE JEWISH LEARNING * * Shamash invites you to join, a comprehensive, objective, authoritative and interactive learning resource in all areas of Judaism. Free membership via ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------=

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