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Re: Misinai

B"H Munich

> The designation "Misinai Tunes" was popularized by
> the great musicologist Abraham Zvi Idelsohn, but
it's purely methaphorical as there is no talmudic
> tradition or anything such that these tunes were
given to Mosheh on Mt. Sinai.

While there is no talmudic tradition of MiSinai
tunes, there´s also no talmudic tradition of
music notation we know of. However, the concept
of MiSinai tunes is healthy and thriving in Chassidus,
where it´s long been assumed that certain tunes
that Jews lost after having received them at
Sinai were picked up by the non-Jews, who guard
them until Jews are ready to take them back.
Which is often a justification for "secular"
tunes finding their way into the Jewish service.


Alex Jacobowitz

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