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Re: Brave Old World and Paris to Kyiv show.

At 07:36 PM 9/28/2003, you wrote:
>At that time the program explored the musical relationships between 
>Ukranian folk and liturgical singing, and Nigunim, Khazzones and Yiddish 
>folk songs.  I'm curious to know how the program has evolved.

 From discussions with Michael and others, my sense is that the additional 
time together in LA in 2000 allowed them to do more numbers together, 
working out and exploring some of the shared motifs and elements.  The 
highlight of the concert, for me, was a terrific number that started out as 
a simple peasant panpipe melody and accompaniment by Paris to Kyiv 
charmingly performed which then was tossed to BOW, where Kurt Bjorling took 
up the melody and wove it, with the help of the other 3, into a beautifully 
expanded very Yiddish/klezmer melody and piece, where the modal changes and 
ornamentation made it into an "unmistakably" Yiddish song, which the band 
then improvised on in their inimitable style.  Nothing could make the 
interconnections - and differences - more beautifully clear.

I know that Michael and Julian have been working together in the 
intervening time.  I don't know whether the 2 bands have performed the 
concert together again- I think so.  It will be exciting to hear how they 
have further developed what was an already very, very good show at the 
concert next Saturday.

Shira Lerner

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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