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New release by Lori Cahan-Simon: Vessel of Song: The Music Of Mikhl Gelbart]

Tayere khaveyrim,

I realized that I announced my new CD but didn't really tell what it's 
about, so here goes:

I am pleased to announce the release of my new album, "Vessel of Song: 
The Music of Mikhl Gelbart", with me, Lori Cahan-Simon on vocals, Steven 
Greenman on fidl, Walt Mahovlich and Alexander Fedoriouk of Harmonia, 
with Walt on accordion and Alex on tsimbl and percussion, Adrianne 
Greenbaum of The Klezical Tradition and FleytMuzic on flute, and Henry 
Shapiro of Steel City Klezmorim on Bass.  Henry was also recording 
engineer, and the quality of the sound is fabulous, if I do say so myself.

This ensemble plays the music of Mikhl Gelbart, who was the much beloved 
music teacher for the East Coast yidish schools from 1917 for about 50 
years.  He set to music the works of about 120 poets and dramatist, 
composing 6 oratorios, 15 operettas, eight orchestral compositions, and 
published some twenty books of Yiddish songs.  His is the kind of music 
that instantly became "folk music", thought to have been composed 
anonymously and to have been in the repertoire since before memory.

The songs I chose (with difficulty weeding them out from hundreds) 
include holiday songs (Purim, Khanike, Peysakh & Shabes), school songs 
(perfect for children to sing and dance to), lullabies (to put them to 
sleep to after they're tired from dancing) and art songs (to sigh and 
cry to).

Here is the track list:
1)    Urim burim: a purim lidl (A Purim Song) 2:01  J. Kaminsky
2)    A gut yontev yidn (Good Purim To Us) 2:21  J. Kaminsky
3)    Treyst mayn folk (Comfort My People) 4:08  I. L. Peretz
4)    Moyde ani (I Give Thanks) 4:27  Mark Schweid
5)    Boys and Girls Medley 5:32
a)    Dray yingelekh (Three Little Boys),  Y. Goykhberg
b)    Arbet (Mitn zegele) Work (With A Little Saw)
c)    A yingele, a meydele (A Little Boy, A Little Girl)
6)    Kumt ale in shul (Everybody Come To School) 3:09  J. Kaminsky
7)    Muzikantn (Musicians) 2:26
8)    In shul arayn (Going To School) 1:57  I. Platner
9)    Khad gadyo (One Kid) 3:08  I. Lukovsky
10)    Chanukah Medley: Ikh bin a kleyner dreydl (I Am A Little Dreydl); 
Khanike shpil (Gut yontev aykh kinder); Chanukah Play (Happy Chanukah To 
You, Children, Sh. Tsesler; Dreydl , 3:43
11)    Shabes (Sabbath) 4:08
12)    Milkhome (War) 3:42  Avrom Reisin
13)    A viglid (Shteyt in feld a beymele) A Lullabye (In The Field 
Stands A Tree) 3:26  I. L. Peretz
14)    In an orem shtibele (In A Poor little House) 3:01  Moyshe Korman
15)    A maysele (In himl shvimt a volkndl) A Little Story (In The Sky 
Floats A Little Cloud) 4:21  B. I. Bialostotsky
All music (and lyrics, except where otherwise noted) by Mikhl Gelbart.  
These songs set to music the texts of the finest yiddish writers of the 

The CD comes with a 24 page booklet with a biography of Gelbart, 
reminiscences of his former students, biographies of the authors, 
comments about the songs, the lyrics in transliteration and translation, 
and charming illustrations taken from old Yiddish textbooks.

As I listen to this music, I am, by turns, drawn to tears and then in 
the next moment to jump up and dance.  I hope you will enjoy listening 
to the music as much as I enjoyed making it.

Let me know if you wish to purchase a copy for $15 plus $3 S&H.  Those 
who wish to review the CD please contact me.

Mit frayndshaft un muzik,

You can hear Lori's CDs, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: Passover, 
and Vessel of Song: The Music of Mikhl Gelbart at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for more info.

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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