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Re: cimbaloms available - and qanuns/kanuns too!

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On 21/06/2003 at 03:20 Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:

>I have some very good news for the tsimbalists among you.
>While recording with Alex Fedoriouk and others yesterday, he told me 
>that he makes cimbaloms and is taking orders.  I will give you more 
>specifics as he sends them to me.

What a fantastic coincidence! I have just made contact with a source for
hand-made highest quality Egyptian qanuns (with microtonal quick-tuning
mechanism), and at very reasonable prices too. If anybody's interested,
I'll be putting the full details on Rainlore's World of Music as soon as
they're completed. There'll be a link/reference here:

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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