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Help with transliterated lyrics for "Tum Balalaika"

I wonder if anybody could point me to an online source (if there is one) or
even might have romanized lyrics for "Tum Balalaika".

At our last local folk club meeting, to my utter surprise and delight,
somebody played an instrumental version that they'd found a score of on the
web, but didn't know anything about as there apparently was no information
with it. As I was able to fill everybody in on it, I was "volunteered" to
get hold of the lyrics, hence my plea for help here.

The surprise referred to above was on account of this being a general (and
predominantly gentile, with the few other occasional Jewish attendees
having little or no particular interest or even awareness of Jewish music,
alas!) folk club, and the performers of said song being gentiles. In fact,
this has spurred me on to be determined to try and make some proper Jewish
contributions, so I'd also be grateful for any suggestions for a suitable
Yiddish song or two (and perhaps also a Ladino one or two) that a rumbling
baritone with a by now fairly limited compass like me might learn in order
to present at same folk club. As we meet on Saturday evenings, something
shabbos related would be especially appropriate, I think. Pointers to
transliterated lyrics or even the lyrics themselves would be much
appreciated also, as well as pointers to the music in case I don't have it.

Many thanks in advance.

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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