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Re: New compilation of Jewish music

Well, an interesting, artistically well-rounded compilation, though it'd be 
nice to see a compilation like this that didn't rely heavily on artists already 
on the label...

The release of the melodies of the Abudayan community a feew years ago was 
interesting, and one wonders what might happen if there were truly a set of 
professional level field recordings of communities, rather than simply 
representative artists (on the label) of each community.  We're all relatively 
familiar with many of the multifacted sounds of klezmer, and for some, the 
Sephardi or Mizrahi sound, but what of the music of the Lemba?  The Bene Israel 
of Cochin?  The remaining Damascus community?  The Uzbekis, Iranians, Tats and 
Djerbans certainly might have a sound we've never or seldom heard.

The film Chants of the Sands and stars attempted to document some of this and 
was a marvelous, if brief and incomplete, look at the subject... 

Has anyone else seen/heard it?  Anyone know of recordings or adaptations of 
material in this vein- the more marginal communities of Asia, Africa and other 
points Mizrach?

Look forward to a healthy numnber of posts on the thread....

Good shabbes all.

Adam Davis

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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