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Klez Que C'est? @ Barbes - Sunday, 6/22 in Park Slope

Klez Que C'est?
Oh-la-la! C'est la musique de klezmer - tres chaud, tres chaud!

Don't miss your last chance to hear the full Klez Que C'est? quartet until 
the fall!
(Timothy's leaving next week and I'm taking off in mid-July.)

Sunday, June 22nd
Barbes in Park Slope, Brooklyn
376 9th St. @ 6th Ave.
F train to 7th Ave
$5 suggested cover

Jeff Perlman - clarinets
Adam Good - acoustic guitar
James Ilgenfritz - string-ed bass
Timothy Quigley - percussion

If you'd rather never hear about these sorts of things from me, just email 
jeffrey(dot)perlman (at) aya(dot)yale(dot)edu with "remove" in the subject line.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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