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Re: Klezmer article in this week's Forward

Matt, you're around enough to know that we've all got our egos wrapped up
in our musics to a greater and lesser extent, and that people have opinions
about the works of others based on a lot of factors, not all of them having
to do with one big happy world of music makers.

The academic world sets up some odd distracting tensions, those outside the 
academic world have thier own struggles, and in the end we're all a bunch
of humans with the range of feelings and emotions we are blessed and cursed

I realize this pretty much totally ignores what you wrote and what you were
trying to get out of writing it.  My point is that when we hear this one or
that one say or imply this our that about another's work, remember it's like
farts.  Everyone's got 'em and only your own smell right.  

I have learned from a lot of people, and some of those people have had strong 
opinions about other of those people.  I listen to the criticism and then
move on.  I don't let it poison my relationships with the opiner or the opined
that this one is "overly influenced by Rumanian music" or that one "refuses
to admit that such and so is a flawed method of research".

Learn from them all and let them have thier opinions.  

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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