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Re: Is it still Purim?

am 26.03.2003 12:08 Uhr schrieb hagen hofmann unter hagenhof (at) 

> am 26.03.2003 10:58 Uhr schrieb Alex Jacobowitz unter
> alexbjacobowitz (at) yahoo(dot)com:
>>> B"H Munich
>>>> (I'm not trying to start a pro-or-anti-war thread,
>>> I
>>>> swear!
>>>> Why Not ??? -- because it seems nobody in this
>>> forum
>>>> cares about it??
>>> No, Hagen, because this isn?t the place for it.
>>> There are plenty of places for war to be discussed,
>>> for and against. This list is about music,
>>> from a Jewish Weltanshauung.
> o.k. I understand this, but this situation seems to be an exeption to me,
> especially when you concider how dangerus this war can be to the people of
> Israel
>>>> because nobody notice that this war has nothing to
>>>> do with wapons of mass
>>>> distruction?
>>> Everybody notices that the war has to do with lots
>>> of things - weapons of mass destruction, oil prices,
>>> democracy, world economy, settling of old grudges,
>>> political instability of Europe-in-transition, 11th
>>> of September, etc. But no one makes the claim that
>>> this is about Jews or music. Except Saddam, of
>>> course,
>>> who blames it all on a Zionist-American conspiracy.
>>> But you wouldn?t take that as a reason, would you?
> of course not, and surely I´m not a friend of this stupid criminal sadam
> but the policy of the US will lead him to be the new arabic hero- the only one
> who is fighting against the imperialistic US
>>>> because nobody notice the dead of democracie?
>>> Uh, Hagen, in which way PRECISELY is the war
>>> in Iraq "death of democracy"?
> just because the vote and speech of the majority of the people in this world
> seems to matter no more.
> just because UN was treaded as a bunch of clowns
> just because "old europe" became nearly the enemy of the US only because we
> don´t support this war
>>>> Shame on you America!!
>>> You? YOU? Not all people on this list are Americans,
>>> Hagen.You aren?t either, I assume. And not all
>>> Americans support this war.
> sure, I know that!! and I´m happy about every voice from US which is
> criticying this war.
> after all 
> I´m a musician and I would be happy to talk about Klezmer Music but this
> situation right now seems to be the end of the world as we know it to me
> this is not a privat matter is it?
> hagen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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