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Re: Is it still Purim?

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On 25/03/2003 at 20:42 MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>After hearing numerous press conference bits today, the following
>came on:
>For every war...spin, spin, spin
>They give a reason...spin, spin, spin....
>And a line for every newscast
>Live at seven!

LOL! Thank heaven for your delightful wit and humour Lori. Goodness knows
we need it in this world.

Somehow, I'm just hearing this one to the tune of "Turn Turn Turn"...

>(I'm not trying to start a pro-or-anti-war thread, I swear!  Must be
>Purim in the air...)

Gotta be..

(Renaissance Man)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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