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RE: Find a song for Sophie

Dear list

Can you help me find a song for Sophie?

 Dear Sir/Madam,
>Hi! I am trying to find a CD with a particular song on it for my partner.
>His mother and grandfather used to sing it to him when he was a little boy
>though he thinks it is a "love song" rather than a lullaby. He last heard
>sung in Israel when he went there two years ago.
>It is quite an old song and he thinks it's called
>"Vivushka vivaynye" (Spelling is probably completely wrong!!)
>I hope that you know what I'm talking about and that you can help me!
>I am trying to find it for him as a surprise as he is going to become a
>grandad soon and I know he would dearly love to sing it to Benjamin when he

I have tried (surreptitiously) to get some more clues about this song, but
neither Al's (my partner) father or sister can shed any more light on it. It
is such a special song for him; when he talks about hearing it in Israel for
the first time in many years, he gets tears in his eyes! Awww!
(Unfortunately his mother died 22 years ago and he hadn't heard it sung
properly since then.)
I know you understand why I want to find this and I know you will do your
best to help me.
I have had to send this from work as I want it to be a surprise for him.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,

Tuohy Sophie [Sophie(dot)Tuohy (at) homeoffice(dot)gsi(dot)gov(dot)uk]

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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