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Re: Find a song for Sophie

I wonder if the song could be the Russian song of unrequited love,
"Ivushka" ("Willow Tree," words by V. Al'ferov, music by G.
Ponomarenko), which has the refrain:

Ivushka zelenaia,             Green willow tree,
Nad rekoi sklonennaia,        Leaning over the river,
Ty skazhi, skazhi, ne taia,   Tell me, tell me without hiding anything,
Gde liubov' moia.             Where my love is.

[Ivushka zyelyOnnaya,
Nad ryekOy sklanyOnnaya,
Ty skazhY, skazhY, ni tayA,
Gdye lyubOf' mayA]

Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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