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Rainlore's World of Music - Delayed Site Update & New Forthcoming Feature

Rainlore's World of Music -

Due to my CPU having burnt out Sunday, I'm way behind once again but hope
this week's site update will be up within the next 24.

In the meantime, I'll post a couple of reviews here also - look out for
Metropolitan Klezmer's "Yiddish For Travelers" and "Mosaic Persuasion", the
latter also featuring The Isle of Klezbos.

Also, I'm considering introducing a new feature to the site - something
along the lines of "Jewish music and musicians in art". In this connection,
I would be most grateful for all and any suggestions, hints, comments etc.
and info about relevant paintings, drawings and other works of art that
could be featured without copyright infringements.

I have one outstanding piece already lined up, a monotype titled "The Bass
Player" by the Polish-born South African Jewish artist Wolf Kibel, dating
from Kibel's youth around the 1920s. If anybody knows of any further works
by Wolf Kibel depicting musical themes, I'd be most grateful for any
information. Jewish themes featured very prominently among Kibel's subjects
(his greatest, sadly unfulfilled - due to a tragically early death -
ambition was a large scale depiction of the Torah), but unfortunately, The
Bass Player is the only musically-themed work that his only surviving
youngest son is aware of.

The Bass Player will probably be up with next week's site update.

(Renaissance Man)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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