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Re: Chords and Scales

on 3/24/03 7:02 PM, Allen Davis at adavis (at) softwarejobs(dot)com wrote:

> Yes, but we all know that the notes are only part of what makes a mode a
> mode. And the chord progressions that support the notes are very different,
> aren't they?

There are some modal jazz pieces in which the rhythm section will hang out
on one chord while the soloist improvises using the mode. That was the
context I was thinking when I answered the previous email.

A good example of this is the use of dorian mode in Miles Davis' So What. If
one were to substitute the #11 for the 4th degree of the dorian mode, which
would sound very cool, one would now effectively be playing misheberach for
their improvised solo in this tune. If you wanted to play the chord that
contains all the notes of this mode, you could play Dmin13/#11.


Seth Austen
email: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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