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Re: Yiddish Tango!

on the Metropolitan Klezmer "Mosaic Persuasion" CD, we have a version of a 
tango from the Yiddish screwball comedy AMERICANER SHADKHN [sic], which is 
probably derived melodically from Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn (the filmmaker or 
music director may have changed a few notes to avoid paying for rights; 
director Edgar Ulmer was well-known for his low-budget wonders), but with 
completely different words to suit the character's situation.  it's sung by 
the modern matchmaker protagonist in the nightclub scene.  we call it the 
Muzikalisher Tango since the singer has just been told [triple entendre, see 
liner notes if you're into subtext] that he's quite 'muzikalish'.

- Eve Sicular

Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos
151 First Avenue #145
NYC  NY  10003  USA
tel:  212-475-4544
fax:  212-677-6304
sicular (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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