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Re: Yiddish Tango!

MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> We also play the Russian tangos, Sertze (my heart) and Utomlyonaya
> Solntze (which we just posted part of a performance of on our website,
> if you wanna hear it).

    "Utomlennoe solntse" is actually a Russian version of a Polish
tango, Jerzy Petersburski's "To ostatnia niedziela" (1936, words by
Zenon Friedwald), popularized by Mieczyslaw Fogg.  The Russian version
(words by Iosif Al'vek) appeared a year later, first on a recording by
Aleksandr Tsfasman's orchestra.

        Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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