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Re: Kol Isha minus Marilyn Manson

Oh, darn!  I had better stop posting today.  I really didn't mean to 
post that to the list.  Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Alex Jacobowitz wrote:

>B"H Munich
>>and you are not reading all
>>the relevant posts 
>>or missing something, I believe.
>Entirely possible. 
>But the development this Kol Isha thread 
>has taken really wasn´t about you, from what I can
>tell; rather, the competing
>forces from which you have had cause to suffer, their
>causes and potential remedies. As the
>French like to say "Les victimes n'importent rien".
>As you see, with references
>from your supporters about the Taliban, challenges to
>constitutional law, etc., I´m afraid your personal
>story got lost in the melée. I don´t think anyone here
>meant to discomfort you or anyone else. But the issues
>here are bigger..
>Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B`simcha!
>Alex Jacobowitz
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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