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Re: Kol Isha minus Marilyn Manson

B"H Munich

>and you are not reading all
> the relevant posts 
> or missing something, I believe.

Entirely possible. 

But the development this Kol Isha thread 
has taken really wasn´t about you, from what I can
tell; rather, the competing
forces from which you have had cause to suffer, their
causes and potential remedies. As the
French like to say "Les victimes n'importent rien".

As you see, with references
from your supporters about the Taliban, challenges to
constitutional law, etc., I´m afraid your personal
story got lost in the melée. I don´t think anyone here
meant to discomfort you or anyone else. But the issues
here are bigger..

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B`simcha!

Alex Jacobowitz

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