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Re: A Ladier Chabadnitze

Thank you, Sam for the wealth of detail.


on 3/3/03 1:03 PM, Sam Weiss at SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net wrote:

> At 05:12 AM 3/3/03, Cor van Sliedregt wrote:
>> In the collection of A.Z. Idelsohn I found a melody named "A Ladier
>> Chabadnitze" Who can explain, translate this title ?
> Chabad is the nickname of the Lubavitcher Chasidic movement.  A
> "Chabadnitze" was a term (hardly heard anymore) for a Lubavitcher nigun.
> Lyady (also Lyadi, Liadi) was the Belarus village of the first Lubavitcher
> Rebbe, Shneur Zalman of Lyady (1745-1813).  The melody you are refering to
> (#154 in Volume X of Idelsohn's Thesaurus) is one of the 10 core Chabad
> melodies attributed to Shneur Zalman. (Another one is the famous tune known
> as "Der Rebbe's Nigun".)  Therefore, the translation of "A Ladier
> Chabadnitze" would be "A Chabad Melody of the Lyader Rebbe".  This nigun,
> by the way, is also sung to the words
> Ovinu malkeinu, ovinu oto;
> Ovinu malkeinu, eyn lonu melech elo oto.
> (Our Father, our King, You are our Father;
> We have no king but You.)
> _____________________________________________________________
> Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

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